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What people are saying...

Something about figuring out a visual presence that fit who you are as a professional. Embodied you as a person and your business philosophy. There were some surprises but the final product feels just right and has brought in clients.


San Jose, California

Tell how you felt confident in your work wardrobe but were in a rut off-hours. I helped you to reconnect to who you are as a person - not just an Executive - and bring that true identity into my casual wear. Went on a vacation with friends and felt fabulous.


San Jose, California

I was really impressed with how thoughtful Mary was when designing my site and logo. She really took the time to understand exactly what we're all about and she was able to take what we had in mind conceptually and turn that into something even better than what we thought we wanted. I particularly appreciated how she was able to weave essential elements throughout the site, so that each page and feature had echos of another. We ended up with a very cohesive and polished site.


Santa Clara, California

We talked in detail about likes and dislikes, wants and ambivalences, and she came up with a look that expressed your concepts and and stayed true to who you are without going over the top or being gimmicky.


Los Gatos, California

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